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Free Mini Dental Implant Consultation | Hertfordshire | London

Mini implants | Dental Implants | Denture Implants | Implant-retained dentures | All On 4 | All On 6 | Implant bridge | Same Day Teeth | Same Day Teeth Implants | Bone Grafting | Sinus Elevation | Sinus Lifts | Sedation

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dental implant
dental implant
dental implant

What is a mini dental implant?


A “dental implant” is the name given to an artificial prosthetic appliance that is fixed in the patient’s jawbone. It is made up of smaller components, which attach to one another to form a tooth-like appliance.


Dental implants are used to replace missing or loose teeth. Various components can be attached to the implant fixture. Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth, several missing teeth or a full arch of missing teeth. Dental implants can also be used to stabilise loose dentures.

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dental implant
dental implant
dental implant

Missing front tooth

A dental implant is inserted and tucked under the gum

Final result: implant restored crown. This is a fixed option, just like your own natural tooth. No teeth are damaged because this is an independent option. You look after it by brushing and flossing as you do with your natural teeth.

A post is attached to the implant fixture, which protrudes from the gum. The crown sits on top of the post.

Do I need an implant for every single missing tooth?


Not necessarily. It depends on the occlusal load, aesthetics and amount of bone available. Our implant dentist will be able to tell you more at your consultation.



How long will it take to get an implanted tooth?


In the vast majority of cases we aim to finish within 6 months of you having your tooth out, so that you have a fully functional natural looking tooth. Most treatments take between 10-12 weeks from the time the implant is place to the time you get your implant tooth.



What are my pain-free options for the implant placement stage?


-Gently administered local anaesthetic

-Light sedation with nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) NEW SERVICE AT OUR CLINIC

-Deep sedation with intravenous midazolam NEW SERVICE AT OUR CLINIC


Click here >>> to find out more information on sedation at our clinic



I have all/most of my teeth missing in my jaw. What are my options?


There are many treatment variables, both with fixed and removable teeth. Each option is dependent on the patient’s financial budget and what is possible in their mouth. Your Denture Expert will be happy to discuss more at the time of your consultation.


There are variations with each treatment modality, but these are the main ones we offer:


  • Denture only

  • Denture supported by 2 implants

  • Denture supported by 4 implants

  • Denture supported by 4 implants and a bar

  • Fixed teeth supported by 4 implants

  • Fixed teeth supported by 6 implants

  • Fixed teeth supported by individual implants


As a general rule, the more implants you have placed, the more secure your false teeth will fit in. The number of implants which need to be used to replace your missing teeth depend on varying factors:


  • Your budget

  • Your smile aesthetics

  • The final aesthetic outcome desired

  • The quantity of your jawbone

  • The quality of your jawbone

  • Anatomical features such as the extent of your sinuses and where your nerves are positioned (inferior alveolar and mental nerves in particular)

  • Whether you would like a stable denture (which is "rock-solid" but still removable) or if you would like fixed implant teeth (non-removable)

  • Your oral hygiene factors

  • Any pre-existing periodontal disease ("gum disease")



How many visits does it take to get a dental implant?


Visit 1- Consultation & Planning

Visit 2- Implant placement. Wait 1-2 weeks then...

Visit 3- Review appointment. Wait 2-3 months then...

Visit 4- Impressions & mould taking. Wait 1-2 weeks then...

Visit 5- Fit the final implant crown. Treatment completed.


The above scenario is given for a simple implant case. Patients who require multiple dental implants or a full mouth rehabilitation may need more appointments for the planning and treatment stages.



How long after having a tooth removed can I have a dental implant?


You have to bear in mind that an implant has to be inserted under the gum into the jaw bone. When a patient has had their tooth extracted, they are left with a hollow space in their jaw bone. The body automatically starts to fill this space with natural jaw bone. Depending on the complexity of the tooth extraction procedure, the bone will go back to normal anytime between 4 weeks until 6 months. For example:


  • If your tooth is very loose and your dentist removes it within 30 seconds, it is more than likely that the bone will remodel into the extraction site within a 4-6 week period.


  • If your tooth roots are very strong and deeply embedded into your jaw bone, then your dentist may have to do a minor surgical procedure to remove the offending tooth. For the tooth to be removed. your dentist may have to manipulate the bone around the tooth. Because there may well have been bone loss during this procedure, jaw bone remodelling can take up to 6 months. Once the bone remodelling has stabilised, then our Implant Dentist may be able to proceed with the implant treatment.


You may of heard of Same Day Teeth. This is when you have an implant crown inserted the same day you have your tooth removed. You can also have Same Day Dentures. Our Implant Expert will be able to advise you on this aspect at your consultation appointment.



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Website last updated on 15th September 2021

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